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Kenneth Lo

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10 Steps To Do Free Handstand | #AskKenneth

Handstand is a humbling exercise.

Handstand is a hand-balancing exercise.

Handstand is a fundamental gymnastic exercise.

It takes time and effort to get a good handstand.

1. Wrist Preparation

Never never skip wrist preparation. It's essential to all hand-balancing exercises. It is juts like warm-up. Better warn-up, better performance.

2. Hollow Position

Hollow position is the basic strength for the handstand.

Ideally, the handstand practitioner can hold this position for 60s.

Make sure the lower back is touching the floor.

If you cannot keep the lower back on the floor, bend your knees.

Hollow position emphasizes on the posterior pelvic tilt.

3. Chest-to-wall Handstand (Away from the wall, hip length)

Sit down on the floor to measure the hip length away from the wall.

Handstand with the hollow position for 45-60s is your goal.

Key: Arms and body are in a line.

Lockout the elbows.

Reminder, you should save 10% of energy to come down.

Never go to failure!

It's dangerous!

4. Chest-to-wall Handstand in L-shape

Sit down on the floor to measure the hip length away from the wall.

30-45s is deal.

Key: Arms and body are in a line.

Lockout the elbows.

5. Chest-to-wall Handstand (close to the wall)

Handstand with the hollow position for 45-60s is your goal.

Key: Arms and body are in a line.

Lockout the elbows.

Reminder, you should save 10% of energy to come down.

Never go to failure!

It's dangerous!

6. Wall Walk

Coaching notes:

- Hollow position, never drop the lower back (= no arching)

- Straight arms

- Slow & control


Set: 4

Rep: 3-5

7. Kick-up into Handstand against the wall

Left leg x 5 reps, then right leg x 5 reps

First of all, kick your left leg up to lead the right leg up, then switch leg.

At the beginning, your feet will touch/ hit the wall.

Later, you are going to kick up into FREE Handstand without hitting the wall.


Set: 4

Rep: 5 reps each

8. Heel Pulls

After chest-to-wall and Kick-up practice, you can start to do "Heel Pulls" against the wall.

Use your fingers to pull the heels off the wall.

Yes. Fingers.


Set: 5

Rep: 6 reps, each rep ISO hold x 3s

(NO REP if you cannot hold for 3s)

9. Toes Pull

In spite of Heels Pull, we also practice "Toe Pulls"

Keys: Fingers & abs


Set: 5

Rep: 6 reps, each rep ISO hold x 3s

(NO REP if you cannot hold for 3s)

10. Kick-up into FREE Handstand

Set: 4

Rep: 5

You try to kick up into FREE Handstand within 5 reps.

Once you get the balance, try to hold as long as you can.

If you can hold more than 10-15s per set. Take a rest, save your energy for the next set.

Handstand is high neurological demand exercise, it means you need longer rest between sets, especially you're a beginner.

Final words: Be patient!

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