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Kenneth Lo

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#AskKenneth | Body Composition Guide | Biceps Curl

#AskKenneth | Body Composition Guide | Biceps Curl 肱二頭肌

1️⃣ Concentration Curl

Coaching notes:

  1. Supinated grip

  2. Stretch your biceps and contract your triceps at the bottom range

  3. All the way up

  4. Squeeze your biceps as hard as possible at the top range

  5. Keep constant tension

2️⃣ Zottman Curl

Coaching notes:

  1. Supinated grip

  2. Stretch your biceps and contract your triceps at the bottom range

  3. All the way up

  4. Rotate your forearms to probated grip

  5. All the way down

  6. Keep constant tension

3️⃣ 1 1/4 Hammer Curl

Coaching notes:

  1. Neutral grip

  2. Stretch your biceps and contract your triceps at the bottom range

  3. Bottom up to the mid-range

  4. All the way down

  5. All the way up

  6. Squeeze your biceps as hard as possible at the top range

  7. Keep constant tension

4️⃣ Posing

Don't forget about Posing even you are not going to compete for the bodybuilding.

It literally helps you to improve the mind-muscle connection between sets.

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