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Kenneth Lo

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Sea Fest Olympiclifting Competition

97kg + 110kg = Total 207kg - 5th place I'm qualified to the provincial standard

What I've learned today 1. Cutting weight is the biggest challenge to me. That's an incredible achievement for me. Trust me, being 77kg is really tough for me. I did a lot of shit in the past months.

2. My Snatch is much better than the last comp in March (I was 84kg). It is smooth & stable. And I am lighter today.

3. The problem is that I spent a lot of time on the snatch, and Jerk is weaker. But at least I know I still have a lot of rooms to improve my strength.

4. Reminder: Cutting is not for Lifting.

5. Why do I do that decision? Since I am going to cut at this moment, Olifts at 77kg can force me to lose a lot of extra fat within certain of the period. I always need a timeline to do my training.

6. I know I did not lose the competition. I just missed my lift.

7. I am the oldest man in the group. The youngest athlete is 18 years-old.

8. I'm qualified to the provincial standard.

9. I need to EAT now!

10. Thank you for everyone's support. Without you, I cannot make it. It's all about #Teamwork. No one can do things by himself. Thank you for my wife and my son and HK friends.

Thank you for Capilano weightlifting club coach Michael Cartwright, Nick Linh Liu, Virgil Isaacs, Silvia Hua...

11. Glorify to my God. I can do everything in Him! Amen.

好多人以為基督徒只會因爲贏了才去感謝我們的天父。 在此,我要分享少少個人見證: - 如果沒有神,便沒有今天的Kenneth。 - 如果沒有神,我便不能每天作高強度的訓練。 - 如果沒有神,我不知道為誰而付出一切。 - 如果沒有神,我的力量從哪裡來? - 如果沒有神,我的付出便是徒然。 從前划艇,每一槳是去榮耀神。 現在每一個訓練,每一下舉重都是為神而去作。

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