#AskKenneth 72: Weigh Your Food
Weigh your food. What? Yes. We are having a little bit of obsession. Every day we need to hit our macros and hit our protein goal....
減磅 vs 減脂
開始時,等我定義一下什麼是減磅和減脂先。 減磅,英文是weight loss。等於你只要磅輕了便成功。不論你透過什麼方法都得。例如商業型的diet方法:食素、飲菜汁、飲shake...大家不用知道肌肉和脂肪比率,磅就是一切。大部份香港人正是這樣,不要太多付出,便可以很快減磅...
Fat Loss
Everyone’s definition of Fat Loss is different. What is Fat Loss? Fat Loss does not equal to Weight Loss. Fat Loss means dropping body...
Bodybuilding means Building Muscles. I believe that if you are training at the gym, you are a “bodybuilder" who is going to develop...