#AskKenneth | REBOOT UPDATE 60 hours fasting has completed. Now is Sunday morning at 9am. I just finished my olympiclifting session, I...

Jason’s Transformation Story in 16 weeks
#AskKenneth | Jason’s Transformation Story in 16 weeks Im 28 , an ICU nurse which requires shift work, a father of a 1 year old kid The...

Shit Happens
Shit Happens I injured my lower back on Monday morning before going to the gym. I knew it was pretty bad. I couldn't bend my back at all....

#AskKenenth | 5 Tips To Build Impressive Biceps
#AskKenenth | 5 Tips To Build Impressive Biceps 如何建立肱二頭肌的五個重要提示 1️⃣ Train biceps at the end of each session. 2️⃣ Train biceps x 16-20...

#AskKenneth | Wrap Up 2018
#AskKenneth | Wrap Up 2018 ⭐️Sport Achievement 10.3.2018 🥇Masters BC Weightlifting ️ 85kg age 40-44 #mastersweightlifting #weightlifting...

Romanian Deadlift Ultimate Techniques 羅馬式硬拉之終極技術
Romanian Deadlift Ultimate Techniques 羅馬式硬拉之終極技術 Tip 1: For safety reason, bend your knees to pick up the barbell. Tip 2: Keep the...

Fat Loss Q&A
Here are the questions from one of the female online trainees: Hello Kenneth , after I tried your program a month , I like your workout...

Top 5 Exercises To Strengthen Your Back Muscles
What are the reasons you need to strengthen back muscles? Reason 1: You can have a better posture. Normally, people's shoulders are...

#AskKenneth | How To Stay Lean During Christmas
First of all, I would like to define what is "Lean". Lean means low body fat percentage and high muscle mass. If you are not lean, you...

20 My Favourite Exercises Of Building Back Muscles
When everyone is chasing his abs, we (#Teamkenneth trainees) should focus on our upper back development. Back muscles are not the mirror...