#AskKenneth 30: Deadlift 硬拉
發現很多人做硬拉的時候,都會出現以下幾個技術上的毛病: 1. 條腰勁彎曲 2. 支bar離開身體太多 3. 利用慣性彈起支bar 4. 沒有集中主要肌肉 5. 起動姿勢不佳 6. 欠缺集中力 Techniques: a. For body composition...
#AskKenneth 25: Step-ups
I realizied that many people don't know how to perform Step-ups properly Here are some tips for you. 1. Knee must go beyond the toes. 2....

#AskKenneth 24: Back Training 背部訓練 Part 3
#AskKenneth 24: Variations of Back Training 背部訓練 1. Rope Chin-ups - Start from dead-hang position - Pull yourself up to the top - Lower...