#AskKenneth 34 Skin-the-cat
"Skin-the-cat" is a fundamental movement to develop shoulder strength at a full range of motion. Normally, men's shoulders are very tight...

#AskKenneth 33 Rings Muscle-ups Progression 2: Inverted Row with Transition
Gymnastic Rings Muscle-ups is the essential skill of gymnastic training. If you cannot perform a muscle-up, you can perform any rings...

Motor Learning
Your brain will remember the LAST thing you did on a movement pattern. If you hit a sloppy lift or miss one, even if it's supposed to be...

Frankenstein Squat from pins x 275b x 3 reps
Training on 27.2.2017 (Mon) - 1st session Hang Clean x 1 rep + Clean x 1 rep x 10 sets x 225lb followed by #FrankensteinSquat from pins...

Feet Stance
Neutral Stance Wide Stance with External Rotation Duck Feet Narrow Feet