BJJ In-house Competition
Gracie Barra Vancouver 5mins x 2 rounds white belts 80kg I have been practicing BJJ for 2 months. NO tap NO sumbittion BUT was killed....

Hong Kong Elite Rowing Athlete - Lee Yuen Yin
上一次,我介紹了香港精英運動員李嘉文 (Lee Ka Man),今天終於輪到她的妹妹李婉賢 (Lee Yune Yin)。 李婉賢縱使是一名年輕的運動員,但她在賽艇比賽生涯已擁有十年的經驗。她參加了兩次亞運會及一次奧運會。 "When I believe I can,...

Road To Get Lean Week 9 (Ricky's Story)
Week 9 log 經歷第一個樽頸位 身形改變及體重下降都開始放慢 放得好慢 第一次感覺到壓力 入gym room 前有hesitation Energy level 都唔好 大約 5-6/10 shit! 提醒自己唔係孤身作戰 (雖然訓練時係)...

Deadlift Descending Pyramid Loading System
Here are my DEADLIFT variations: week 1: Conventional Deadlift week 2: Sumo Deadlift week 3: Snatch grip Deadlift week 4: Deficit...

Road To Get Lean Week 8 (Ricky's Story)
Week 8 log - 開始cardio訓練! 認識我既人都知 我好捱得 我都覺得自己算係咁 只要我目標了的事情 我可以去得好盡 訓練中,最難克服唔係支bar或DB有幾重 舊肌肉有幾痛 零食既誘惑有幾大 而係時間⏱ 包括: 1. 可進行訓練的時間 2. 訓練時間的長短...

Clean Practice & Sumo Deadlift
Training log on 5.7.2017 (Wed) A. Clean Practice Goal: Bring the barbell closer to my body. I can pull the barbell higher when the...

#AskKenneth 150: 香港人 vs 老外
#AskKenneth 150: 香港人 vs 老外 香港人請不要太悲觀。 不要以為每一個老外都比自己強, 或比自己容易建立肌肉, 或比自己容易cut。 事情上,我本人並不認同。 你要先問一下自己, 你對訓練和飲食的知識有多少? 一星期去gym多少次? ...

#AskKenneth 149: You Need To Know How To Read Labels
For Fat Loss or for the healthy issue, we need to choose "l0w-sugar" and "low-carbs" foods, and also we have to avoid any processed foods...

#AskKenneth 148: 如果診斷了患了第一期癌症,我會有什麼建議?
#AskKenneth 148: 如果診斷了患了第一期癌症,我會有什麼建議? 首先,我並不是醫生。 我並不知道有什麼可以預防癌病的發生。 有很多人說,癌症要來便來,根本沒有什麼方法去預防它。 我唔知。 我身邊實在太多朋友患了癌症,三十歲、四十歲、五十歲、六十歲亦...

On holiday, do you take a rest or go to the gym? Personally, I really like to train on the holiday. The gym doesn't have many people,...