#AskKenneth 160: DB Drop Lunges
Drop Lunges is one of the variations of Split Squat. Split Squat aka Single Leg Squat. It is an unilateral exercise. Drop lunges is a...

Road to Get Lean Week 10 (Ricky's Story)
Week 10 log 不要低估飲食的重要性 你會唔會以為食少左野就會瘦? 係,如果食少左野,身體用能量,低碳水,身體開始會用脂肪作能量,但這樣只會瘦,但唔會buildup 到muscle, 對長遠訓練目標沒有好處。沒有肌肉,沒有力量,只會瘦落去。 ...

#AskKenneth 158: How To Build Your Back?
#AskKenneth 158: How to build your back? Key points: Retraction (translation: squeeze your scapulae together) Contract your Lats as hard...

#AskKenneth 157: Failure
#AskKenneth 157: How many trainees know how to train until failure at the gym? How many trainees understand what does "exhausted" mean?...

#AskKenneth 156: Calves
How often do you train your calves? Some of you may think I don't need to train calves. You may say: "Maybe this is my last thing to do."...

#AskKenneth 155: Cardio & abs
#AskKenneth: Cardio & abs abs 1 x 10-15 reps + abs 2 10-15 reps + rowing 1min, pace: 1:42-1:45/500m Rest no more than 1 min X 6 sets...

#AskKenneth 154: Warm-up Exercise Before Squat & Running
Sometimes we sit on the chair more than walking and squatting right? "Sitting position" makes us WEAK specially our glutes muscles. This...

#AskKenneth 153: How To Take Progression Pics?
1. Front - From Head to Knees - Stand upright (Stand proud) - Chin-in (ear and shoulder is in a line) - Bracing your abs - Squeezing your...

#AskKenneth 152: Core Muscles
You may hear someone said I would like strengthen my "core" muscle. Actually, what is "core"? Normally, this question is asked by an...

#AskKenneth Blog on 17.7.2017
Blog on 17.7.2017 Today was pretty bad. I thought I had two days with high carbs, I would have a good training session this morning. A....