Relentless Story by Andy Ngan
What would you do after you successfully transformed from a 85kg fatty to a 70kg guy with lean muscle (and with abs)? Going on to the...
#AskKenneth: Linda's Testimonial
我找Kenneth 的原因和一般人有點不同,我是為了改善脊柱側彎 (Scoliosis) 為主,不是減肥。 自小我便有脊柱側彎,有一位朋友經常提醒我要操練背部肌肉來鞏固脊骨,但我一直都沒有放上心,直至今年覺得自己已經年紀不少,是時候要處理,否則年紀越大,越難去改善。...
#AskKenneth: Pull-ups with Scapulae Retraction & Protraction
#AskKenneth: Scapulae Retraction & Protraction As Strength Sensei mentioned that if Squat is the King of the Lower body exercise; then...